Boys'Day at Bergler!

"And what do you want to be later? "

I'm sure everyone has heard this question before and maybe even asked it later. When we return to our childhood, it was sometimes not so easy to find an answer to the question what exactly the dream job is. However, a little help for this is provided by Boys' Day, which has been taking place in Hesse since 2010 on the fourth Thursday in April.

For many boys from the 5th school class upwards, this action day is a great orientation and offers answers to questions such as..: What do I enjoy? Which work suits me best? Do I perhaps have hidden talents? Of course the team of bergler industrieservices GmbH is happy to be part of this future day and thanks Pascal Rudolf and René Mombour for their participation in the Boys' Day in our company.

The boys are helping!

Pascal visits the 6th grade and could not only gain an insight into the daily work of his father Stephan Rudolf, but also participate. After all, this is the most fun and is, of course, in the spirit of Boys' Day. After we showed Pascal our company and he was able to get to know some of the processes of our many services, he was already actively involved. This included, among other things, the correct sorting of various goods into our shelving system or (link: order-picking. However, he also learned that some of our customers' products are assembled here in our company before they can be packed and shipped. Pascal was a great help in all this. "The team was very nice to me and the tasks were well explained to me. What I liked most about Boys' Day at bergler, however, was that I was able to really work with them. Only the time was unfortunately too short to really see everything".

For René, too, time flew by on Boys' Day, because after a short tour through our working and storage rooms, some tasks were already waiting for the eighth-grader. The nephew of our caretaker and all-rounder Andreas Mombour, after a brief introduction, took on tasks such as assembling shelves or replacing lamps in our production rooms independently and confidently, and of course he also liked to take a ride with the sweeper. All these and many other activities at bergler ensure absolutely smooth processes and ensure that everything functions smoothly. "On Boys Day at bergler I not only learned a lot, I also thought it was great that I could help with the tasks at my uncle. There you can see what's really behind the work."

Many thanks!

The whole team of bergler industrieservices GmbH would like to thank both guys for the great help and the great interest in our company. Action days like Boys'Day are a matter close to our hearts. After all, the talents of today are the employees of tomorrow - and a little insight into working life can lay the foundation for this. We are very pleased that you enjoyed it and who knows - maybe we will see each other again in a few years' time, even if challenging tasks continue to wait for great employees!

Mike Schubert und Raimund Bergler

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