Why is fulfillment interesting for online shops?

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Online shops are extremely practical and convenient for online shoppers: One click on the product, it will end up in the shopping cart and after the online payment the shipment will take place within a very short time. Behind this speed and seemingly completely simple processes is however more than one suspects - and often also more, than one can convert as a Shopbetreiber in self-direction at all. Fulfillment is for Onlineshops therefore more than only a discharge.

Releasing resources with fulfillment

Regardless of whether a company operates a B2C online shop in addition to the B2B business, or whether it acts primarily as a shop operator - the effort involved in the individual processes of processing customer orders must be mastered. And however good a product may be, its success depends largely on whether and how it reaches the customer. Operators of online shops often face the problem that valuable personnel and time resources are tied up - especially when the permanent staff are concerned with the processing of online shop orders and the associated tasks in terms of Shipping-processing: Acceptance and processing of orders, packing, picking, logistics, packaging of shipments, shipping or delivery to the recipient, returns management, and much more.

It is also questionable to what extent the expense is ultimately in an economically justifiable proportion to the shop's sales. A Fulfillment service provider releases all these tied resources with its competencies and additional services so that companies or online shops can devote themselves to their core competencies: Procurement, further development and distribution of goods. From a shop operator's point of view, outsourcing these diverse activities lays the foundation for the highest possible customer satisfaction.


Fulfillment service providers solve shop operator problems

Especially in the area efulfillment.industrieservices.de/en round, coordinated processes in the order process are decisive for whether a customer orders again or buys elsewhere in the future after one or more bad experiences. This applies to both established companies and startups - regardless of the size of the company. If the individual departments or modules involved, e.g. order acceptance, payment processing, dispatch or warehouse logistics are not coordinated with each other or not linked at all, a lot of data has to be entered again under high time expenditure and individual process steps have to be triggered manually.

If shop operators try to handle all these tasks themselves, this can result not only in longer order processing times, but also increasing error rates and frustration on the part of both employees and customers. A fulfillment service provider acts as a problem solver in the background. It is designed in terms of technology, personnel, infrastructure and know-how to become active directly after the customer has placed an order and to carry out all steps in the process chain smoothly - from order acceptance to shipping and delivery or even in **cases of complaints and returns.***


What a customer knows from the stationary trade - the shortest possible waiting times, the most comfortable shopping experience possible thanks to smooth processes as well as friendly and competent customer service - is made available in e-commerce thanks to the right fulfillment-service provider becomes a matter of course. The result is the company's full concentration on day-to-day business, more motivated employees, good customer ratings for online merchants and high satisfaction on the buyer side.

Mike Schubert und Raimund Bergler

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