Why is logistics outsourcing worthwhile?

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Whether B2B, B2C, e-commerce or wholesale - hardly any factor has more influence on business success than logistics. However, many companies and online shops that inspire their customers with their products or assortment are not necessarily logistics experts. Some of them, for example, do not have the necessary storage capacities or even organic-certifications, others do not have the time or the staff to guarantee a smooth shipping logistics.

Last but not least, this requires sound know-how and a lot of experience in the field of logistics. The key to all this: Logistics outsourcing. More and more shops and companies are consistently focusing on outsourcing, i.e. the outsourcing of logistics services and many other marginal processes that do not represent a core competence of their company, also in view of the significantly higher expectations on the part of their customers Fulfillment service provider. But when and why is it worthwhile for a company to rely on outsourcing partners?

Thanks to logistics outsourcing keep up with heavyweights

In principle, logistics outsourcing is always worthwhile for a company if it attaches importance to being able to concentrate entirely on its core tasks. Of course, there are also some who are in a position to take their logistics into their own hands. The big players in e-commerce, from A like Amazon to Z like Zalando, show this day by day. Their customers have long become accustomed to fast deliveries through to "Same Day Delivery" or smooth returns processing. Not only do they continuously optimize their logistics processes and services, they also set the bar very high for other market participants.

But the many small and medium-sized companies prove with equally satisfied customers that neither a stock exchange listing nor a billion-euro market capitalisation or their own vehicle fleet is necessary to keep up here. The outsourcing of logistics processes makes this possible. Even startups hand over the logistics and many other tasks to experienced fulfillment service providers and leave the entire logistics management to you.

This has many advantages, for example:

  • Optimum infrastructure for smooth logistics
  • More efficiency in warehouse logistics, shipping and returns
  • A lot of time and cost savings
  • High customer satisfaction

Whether online retailers, producers, department stores or wholesalers - thanks to logistics outsourcing, they can concentrate entirely on the development or distribution of their own goods and products, i.e. their core business. As a rule, the external service provider performs all logistics tasks at a high level of quality that would be difficult to achieve on its own in addition to the many other daily processes in its own company.

Outsourcing logistics also offers a lot of cost saving potential. If you want to handle all your logistics services in-house, you not only have to pay for them, you also have to keep your vehicle fleet up to date or expand your storage capacity in line with your business situation. Such investments also have to be financed. It is therefore worthwhile to rely on external service providers if there is simply no capital at all to set up your own logistics infrastructure. Not only do they fill these gaps, they also create a secure, solid basis from dispatch processing to returns.

Logistics and all its peripheral processes often complicate your own business unnecessarily. Not so with external outsourcing partners. Its core competencies lie entirely in warehousing and transport. He knows all eventualities and can react quickly and effectively if necessary - a great advantage if there is a problem in the logistics chain. Outsourcing or relocation of logistics processes also means shifting problem solving into the hands of the makers and experts. The use of time and personnel resources from one's own company for troubleshooting is always at the expense of efficiency.

Logistics outsourcing is often also a strategic advantage

Many companies and online shops from neighbouring countries such as from Austria or Schweiz have customers in Germany. However, the transit time of a shipment from abroad to the Federal Republic of Germany is usually longer than for domestic shipments. Foreign companies can use the logistics and storage capacities of German outsourcing partners strategically and guarantee fast delivery here as well. This improved delivery speed and dispatch logistics as well as the greater flexibility in handling returns thanks to outsourcing gives foreign companies wishing to dispatch goods in Germany a clear advantage over their competitors.


Hardly any other company is in a position to carry out logistics services as smoothly and efficiently as an externally commissioned, professional outsourcing service provider. Instead of warehousing, order picking, packing, dispatch handling, returns management and Co. on your own, you can save a lot of time and money by outsourcing all these processes and achieve highest customer satisfaction. High investments in your own logistics do not have to be made any more than the management of your own logistics department. Last but not least, logistics outsourcing is worthwhile for small and medium-sized and large companies - both from Germany and abroad.

Mike Schubert und Raimund Bergler

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