Let's go to the Internet World Expo 2019 - we are there!

There are only a few weeks left until the next trade fair impact this year! From 12. to 13. March 2019 the Internet World Expo will again take place in Munich. As last year, we will be represented with our own stand in Hall C5 / Stand K222.

One thing is certain: Once again we will see many exciting innovations that will enable online shop operators to market their products even better. As Fulfillment service provider our presence is no longer an exotic one - and if that was any different a few years ago.

The e-commerce industry in upheaval

In the meantime we have been supporting various online shops for exactly 10 years E-fulfillment. When we remember, we see an online industry that is still ticking differently than it is today. An industry whose minds over the years have increasingly come to concentrate on their core business for the sake of their customers.

If we think, for example, of the eBay power sellers in 2009, dozens of whom we met at various events, it was still almost unimaginable for them not to process their orders themselves. Someone else puts the items in the shipping carton? Another company packs everything safely and cleanly? You don't pack and send the package to the customer yourself? "It's out of the question, I always do it myself," it was often said.

This is a thoroughly laudable attitude to take care of the customer personally as the boss. But as a shop operator, imagine the effort you would have to put into a few dozen parcels a day, while at the same time taking care of marketing, product improvements, customer support and many other things. The requirements have changed a lot in the meantime.

Nowadays, online merchants usually know better things to do with their time than to take packaging, shipping, returns management & Co into their own hands - rightly so, because the biggest lever to bring a company forward, make it more profitable and increase its awareness is not primarily in the shipping processing. There are many smaller and larger adjusting screws in processes that have to be turned, and that takes time.

At that time still dreams of the future, today in trend

How tight the time frame for the shop operator has to be can be seen both in the company's own fulfilment customers from the e-commerce sector and in the range of products on offer at the stands of the more than 450 exhibitors at Internet World. The trends range from influencer marketing, social media and personalization to search engine optimization, virtual reality, artificial intelligence and robotics. These things can't be done by the way.

Today there are innovations that 10 years ago we never thought would become reality. Today we see all this at trade fairs like the Internet World in Munich and talk to our colleagues and visitors at our stand. In discussions with shop operators about the topic Shipping-processing we hear from year to year more and more frequently: "We have no time for that" - and they are right.

When you see what you as an entrepreneur have to take care of in addition to bureaucratic things in order to promote the product and the sales of the online shop and to sharpen the brand, then the packaging and dispatching of orders and the handling of returns on your own is a time waster that can hardly be mastered.

Meet us at our booth!

That's why we invite you to join us: Visit us at our booth at Internet World 2019! Perhaps you already have an idea how to improve certain internal processes in your company and which you would rather outsource in order to be able to concentrate completely on your core business. In any case, we are already looking forward to many great conversations and exchanges with you and other guests and exhibitors.

As every year, we keep our eyes and ears open for new trends in e-commerce and look for exciting opportunities to combine them with our fulfillment services for you. Do you already have a ticket? If you don't, then you should get one quickly Get your free ticket to the Internet World Expo 2019!.

Venue: Munich Trade Fair

Date: 12 to 13 March 2019

Our booth: Hall C5, Booth K222

Mike Schubert und Raimund Bergler

Request a free offer

We look forward to learning more about you and your project.